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New Release

Straight Outta Brokenness

And It Didn't Kill Me
By Candie A. Mitchell Price

In Straight Out of Brokenness, Candie A. Mitchell-Price takes readers on a deeply personal journey through the valleys and peaks of her life. This memoir is a testament to the power of vulnerability, capturing the essence of Candie’s experiences with unflinching honesty. With each page, readers are drawn into her world, feeling her pain, laughter, struggles, and triumphs. Candie’s narrative is infused with her unique blend of grit, humor, and unwavering faith, making this book not just a story of brokenness but a powerful testament to resilience and hope.

The memoir explores Candie’s raw and real experiences, inviting readers to reflect on their own lives while journeying alongside her. From moments of despair to breakthroughs of joy, Straight Out of Brokenness is a masterful blend of transparency and inspiration. Candie does not shy away from sharing her deepest pains, but she also ensures that readers leave with a sense of hope and victory. Her story will make you laugh, cry, and ponder the deeper aspects of life, faith, and personal growth.

The accompanying workbook to “Straight Out of Brokenness, And It Didn’t Kill Me” by Candie A. Mitchell-Price is designed to deepen the reader’s engagement with the powerful themes and insights of the memoir. This interactive guide offers a series of thought-provoking questions, reflective exercises, and practical activities that encourage readers to explore their own journeys of brokenness, resilience, and healing.

Whether used individually or in a group setting, this workbook is a companion that offers guidance and encouragement on the path to healing and self-discovery. It is a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring hope that can emerge from life’s most challenging moments.

Meet Candie

Candie A. Mitchell-Price is a writer, educator, and passionate advocate for spiritual growth. Through her work, Candie aims to encourage, inspire, and empower others toward a closer walk with Jesus Christ, sharing her journey and faith with authenticity and love. She serves alongside her husband, Rev. Arthur Price, Jr., pastor of the historic 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, AL. They are the proud parents of two adult daughters.


Candie is a seasoned writer with a profound ability to connect deeply with her readers through her honest and evocative storytelling. Having authored multiple books, she brings a wealth of experience in exploring themes of faith, resilience, and personal growth. Her background as the Founder and Editor-in-chief of WOW! (Women of the Word) Magazine further showcases her expertise in crafting content that empowers and uplifts women across the globe.


Candie has spoken nationally at conferences , women's retreats, and workshops. Her engaging talks are celebrated for their inspiring blend of practical wisdom and deep spiritual insights, resonating profoundly with diverse audiences. With her dynamic delivery and ability to connect with listeners on a personal level, Candie consistently empowers and motivates women to pursue greater personal and spiritual growth.


As a former middle and high school ELA teacher, Candie is an advocate for educational equity. Candie works daily, in her professional and personal life, to ensure that all kids have access to high quality schools regardless of their socio-economic status or zip code.


Candie recently launched Word Girlz, a 501c3 dedicated to creating platforms that inspire, encourage, empower, and educate women and girls through the transformative power of the written word. It's flagship initiative is WOW! (Women of the Word) Magazine (being released January, 2025). Candie is also the former owner of The Candie Jar, a natural body care business, and Priceless PR & Marketing Consulting.


Grab the Workbook.

Take your journey a little further by grabbing the accompanying workbook for Straight Outta Brokenness.  


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How I Write

Chupa chups marshmallow tootsie roll. Cupcake tart danish caramels pastry sweet roll chupa chups. Pie jelly beans jelly beans powder oat cake toffee bonbon. Dragée tart lemon drops bonbon. Chocolate bar jujubes gingerbread marzipan apple pie jelly-o fruitcake jelly-o. Toffee cupcake jelly beans danish biscuit sesame snaps cake tart halvah.

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[box_icon id=”5ac98314aa0344c5d5f38095cba03996″ box_style=”vertical” icon=”icon-chat” box_title=”Spread Your Ideas” box_content=”Candy chocolate danish jelly beans wafer gummi bears sweet. Jujubes lemon drops bear claw jelly tiramisu. Cupcake apple pie caramels ice cream macaroon fruitcake danish. Sesame snaps sesame snaps bonbon sesame snaps.” hide_on_desktop=”false” hide_on_mobile=”false” animation_on_scroll=”{"animation_enable":"yes","yes":{"animation_type":"fadeInLeft","animation_delay":"300"}}” _array_keys=”{"animation_on_scroll":"animation_on_scroll"}” _made_with_builder=”true”][/box_icon]